[Rayla] Previously on The Dragon Prince...
[Callum] Here's our situation.
Viren is coming here for Zym, and he's leading an army of monsters.
The Dragon Queen is sick, and we don't know when she'll wake up.
-[Viren] The key is the Dragon Prince. -[Aaravos] Yes.
You must take down the Dragon Queen and capture the baby dragon.
Then you will have the attention of all the world,
and the power to do what you want.
[Soren] It may seem hopeless, but our only chance is to fight him here.
While we're all together.
The only way to stop this is to look evil in the face and say, "No more."
[theme music playing]
Manus, Pluma, Volantus!
My arm is itching a little. Maybe it's starting to work?
Did you pull a muscle in the middle of a jumping jack?
Oh, uh, no.
[laughs nervously] I was just... greeting the sunrise.
Hello, sun, how's it going?
You know, it's a big day. Could be our last.
[Rayla] Yeah.
To be fair, that's true every day.
Okay, but to be even more fair, it's not every day
that you get attacked by an army of 10,000 monster-soldiers.
Rayla, if today is our last day, I want you to know...
Hey, guys!
Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding!
Time for the battle meeting! Ding-ding.
So, like, I wanna say something to you.
You know all those times I called you the step prince,
or made fun of you, or knocked you down and stuff?
-You remember that? -I do. I do remember that.
Well, I'm sorry.
It was wrong and I'm sorry for it.
I think it was because
even though the king was your stepdad, it was...
it was so clear how much he loved you,
and that made me feel... jealous and upset.
So, I picked on you, because I didn't know any better.
Also because you're smaller and weaker.
Oh, thanks... I guess.
[chuckling] And slower... I forgot slower.
So, should we, like, hug or something? You know, to seal the apology?
Is that a thing?
Uh, I don't know if that's necessary-- Oh! [grunting]
[horse snorting]
I am proud of you, Claudia.
Despite everything, you have stood beside me.
[laughs] Well, of course. You're my dad, Dad.
I know, it's just...
You have grown up so brilliant and strong.
But you are still my little girl.
We're all that's left of our family, and I won't let anything break us apart.
[Aaravos] When you capture the dragonling, I will show you how to take his power,
how to imbue yourself with all his magic and potential,
so that you will transcend the limits of your human form.
Then none will dare stand against you.
"We have one objective today, protect the Dragon Prince."
At any cost.
The forces of Lux Aurea will fight bravely,
to the last elf standing.
"We will be outnumbered, but their forces are vicious and sloppy.
Our job is to hold the line."
So, what happens if some break through?
"That's when our natural advantage comes into play.
The spire itself.
While they try to climb up, they'll be vulnerable,
and that guy can pick them off easily."
And by that guy, she means this guy... and my zap hand! Yeah!
[imitates zapping] Pew! Pew!
[Zym whimpers]
[Rayla] I'll stay here with you.
No matter what else happens, I will keep you safe.
[Janai] You will be a worthy defender.
The last Dragon Guard.
-[roaring] -[soldiers yelling]
[sarcastically] Aww... Dad, look, they have shields.
Maybe we should just give up and turn around?
Everything is ready. We only wait on your command, King Viren.
[Kasef roaring]
-[general] Uh... -Ugh, it's fine. Let's just do this.
[soldiers yelling]
[soldiers yelling]
[soldiers yelling]
-[energy crackling] -Drop!
[soldiers yelling]
-For Lux Aurea! -[elves yelling]
[Janai] Go, go, go!
Noctu Igne!
[energy pulsating]
[high-pitched ringing]
-[ringing fades] -[soldiers yelling]
Hold the line! Push them back!
[Janai grunts]
[Kasef roaring]
[Janai grunts]
[Janai groans]
Oh, no. They're coming.
[loud roaring in distance]
[Callum laughing] It's Ezran!
And he's brought help! [laughs]
[elves cheering]
Dragon friends! Whoo!
[Aaravos] Brace yourself.
Tenebris Praesidium!
The soldiers! They're immune to the fire!
So much more than that.
They're strengthened by the blaze!
[all roaring]
It is time for the next phase of our plan.
I understand.
No! Don't land! You've gotta stay in the air!
[Kasef grunting]
[dragon roaring]
[Zym whimpering]
[Zubeia snoring faintly]
[Zym chirps]
Hey, there. It's going to be okay, wee fella.
You're ready to see your mother.
I'll go in with you, but, Zym, I don't want you to get your hopes up.
She's in a deep, deep slumber,
and I don't think she's waking up any time soon.
[Zubeia snoring deeply]
[Zym whimpering]
It's okay. She's your mother. You can go to her.
[energy crackling]
[Bait croaks]
[Zym growling]
[Zubeia breathing deeply]
[soldiers yelling]
[all screaming]
Don't even try it. I got more wind where that came from.
[soldiers growling]
Fulmin-- [grunts]
-[growling] -[Callum choking]
[Kasef groans]
Ready! Launch!
[soldiers groaning]
[soldiers yelling]
-[Janai] The tide is turning! -I love how you say that!
[soldiers] For King Ezran!
[growling softly]
-Are you okay? -Yeah!
Of course. Are you?
This morning, I thought we were doomed.
Then the dragons came, and I thought we would win.
But then things got doomed again.
But now we're okay!
It does feel great to not be doomed.
Go to her.
-What? -Rayla.
It's okay. I got this.
I am so proud of you.
[Ezran] I know.
[groans softly]
You fought bravely.
Thank you.
My name is Marcos.
[Gren exhales]
Now that the battle's over, we need to help the wounded,
and we need to free these dragons.
[Gren] "I'm worried. This is not over until we find Viren.
We cannot let him slip from our grasp."
I'll order a massive search of the entire battlefield.
We will find him and capture him. We won't let him get away.
[dragon bellowing]
[chuckles] It feels a lot better to be on the side that's unchaining things.
[dragon growls]
Claudia, wait!
-[grunts] -[man groans]
Oh, I'm sorry.
I didn't mean to run into you like that.
-Are you okay? -[man groans]
Please, let me help you.
[Ezran gasps]
[Soren] No!
Drop the staff, Father.
It's over.
I am a Crown Guard, and he is the true king.
I will do whatever is necessary to protect his life,
because now I know what the right thing to do is.
Do you hear me?
Soren, wait!
You're making a mistake!
Lay down your staff... and surrender.
-[yells] -[sword slicing]
[gasps softly]
How could you?
I... I had no choice.
Why would he try to hurt me, when it's so clear he couldn't win?
The battle is over.
-[Claudia] No, it's not. -What?
The real battle was never down here.
All of this... was just a distraction.
He was just an illusion! Claudia, where is he?
[Rayla screams]
Oh, no! Zym is in danger!
[Rayla grunting]
Your mother can't protect you now.
-[whimpering] -[Viren] So still.
So perfect.
I'll harvest her later, but first, it is time to consume you.
-[Zym whimpers] -[Bait growls]
[Rayla] Zym, run!
You haven't saved him.
You've done nothing but create a brief inconvenience for me.
-[Rayla grunting] -I'll return for you soon.
It will be a pleasure to add one more Moonshadow elf
-to my collection. -[coins jingling]
[Aaravos] There is no escape.
[Aaravos chanting]
Come on, Rayla! You can't give up now!
[grunts loudly]
[footsteps approaching]
[Bait croaks]
[flame hissing]
Bait! You're my hero!
[Zym whimpers]
Yes! Yes!
Oh, such power! I can feel it surging into me!
[Viren] You're too late.
I've already won.
[Viren grunts]
[both yelling]
No, no, no! Rayla!
Manus, Pluma, Volantus!
Oh, please work, please work.
Manus, Pluma, Volantus!
[Callum panting]
Rayla... I love you.
[breathes deeply]
Manus, Pluma, Volantus.
-Callum! But how did you-- -'Cause I love you, Rayla.
I really do.
I love you too, Callum.
[indistinct chatter]
[laughs] Well, I'm happy to see you, too.
I just can't believe it. Everything we've been through together.
Traveling across the world, coming here to Xadia...
-[Bait purring] -We did it!
We changed things. We made a difference.
Just the four of us.
[Zym chirps]
Five of us.
[Gren] "Hey! Just the five of you, huh?"
Uh... I mean all of us!
[loud rumbling]
[Zym chirps]
[Zubeia exclaims]
Is this... a dream?
[Zubeia] I can't believe it.
Elves and humans are here...
and they've brought back my baby,
my love,
and my hope.
[Bait croaks]
[water dripping]
[groans] What...
What... what's going on?
[gasps] You're alive!
Somehow, I...
I survived the fall?
No. You didn't.
But... you're okay now.
Where is--
Your creepy caterpillar friend?
[chuckles] Two days ago it climbed up that wall, and spun itself... into that.
It's changing.